The Japan Disaster has been a terrible event. We have been devastated watching the news over these past few days. Our hearts reach out to those that are need. I guess we live for those amazing stories like that of the 8 month old baby girl who was found under the rubble alive after three days. We hope that that family and many others are able to re unite and have each other regardless of the pain that is happening around them. For this week all donations made to the ReCycle UniQUiLY cause will be in turn donated to the First Aid Japan cause. Here is to those that need our help, so we can be united in heart! We truly hope that help will find those who need or who have yet not received it in the Japan Earth Quake and Tsunami. We send our Good thoughts♥♥♥♥You can send your good thoughts also also by leaving a comment here, Lets let Japan know we care!
With Love,
I would like to help the people of japan too.